Add a note facility Sometimes I would like to be able a note or comment about any given stock that is in my portfolio, much the same as I can with listings on my Sella account. I feel it will be very handy to be able add notes particularly to stocks on my watch list. /forum/read.php?11,3570,3570#msg-3570 Sat, 23 Feb 2013 20:49:08 +1300 Phorum 5.2.10 /forum/read.php?11,3570,3595#msg-3595 Re: Add a note facility /forum/read.php?11,3570,3595#msg-3595 -------------------------------------------------------
> I would also appreciate this (and it's something I
> can't easily hack in with Greasemonkey, unless
> maybe I try to use DOM storage or something)
> One use I'd make of it: when selling/covering only
> part of a holding, the 'Avg cost' fields change to
> incorporate profits/losses so far. I can see why
> it does this, but I don't like it since it makes
> it hard to see what is going on if you're making
> frequent trades as the market moves. So I've
> sometimes ended up noting down in a text file the
> original 'average cost' (or buy/sell prices from
> the history). A notes field would be much more
> convenient.

This is one of the main areas of use for myself. I recently wanted to reduce my holdings of a stock that I had bought in three or four lots and the average cost was, quite frankly, useless for my purposes. As the stock was showing a loss I needed to know if I had bought any that I could sell at no loss. In a note facility I would have had numbers and prices of each purchase thereby avoiding trolling through about five pages of history to find what I needed.

> Just a free-form text field would be fine for me,
> maybe something that pops up in an overlay div
> when an icon is clicked - but preferably show the
> first few characters when it's hidden. If it has
> to have a maximum length then a few hundred
> characters or so would be good.

ORACLE Feature Requests Fri, 16 Oct 2009 17:42:15 +1300
/forum/read.php?11,3570,3580#msg-3580 Re: Add a note facility /forum/read.php?11,3570,3580#msg-3580
New version of the script and instructions are available here.

For the technically inclined: this uses the new-ish 'DOM Storage' javascript API to persist the notes text - it ends up in the local browser user profile. So obviously it will not be there if you access from a different machine, unless you're doing something elaborate to sync your browser profiles.]]>
Funfinite Feature Requests Fri, 16 Oct 2009 06:05:12 +1300
/forum/read.php?11,3570,3579#msg-3579 Re: Add a note facility /forum/read.php?11,3570,3579#msg-3579 hack in with Greasemonkey, unless maybe I try to use DOM storage or something)

One use I'd make of it: when selling/covering only part of a holding, the 'Avg cost' fields change to incorporate profits/losses so far. I can see why it does this, but I don't like it since it makes it hard to see what is going on if you're making frequent trades as the market moves. So I've sometimes ended up noting down in a text file the original 'average cost' (or buy/sell prices from the history). A notes field would be much more convenient.

Just a free-form text field would be fine for me, maybe something that pops up in an overlay div when an icon is clicked - but preferably show the first few characters when it's hidden. If it has to have a maximum length then a few hundred characters or so would be good.]]>
Funfinite Feature Requests Fri, 16 Oct 2009 02:02:41 +1300
/forum/read.php?11,3570,3570#msg-3570 Add a note facility /forum/read.php?11,3570,3570#msg-3570 ORACLE Feature Requests Thu, 15 Oct 2009 19:31:29 +1300